Club Rules |
Field Rules Overview
The Gold Country Flyers RC club has field rules that generally follow what most RC clubs utilize. We want to be good stewards of the land leased to us by Amador County and good neighbors to the community at large. These rules are intended to supplement the AMA Safety Code and cover things relevant to flying at Spiva Field. We have put these rules in place to make us a fun and SAFE place to spend a day flying R/C. |
Field Rules
Gold Country Flyers Spiva Field Field Rules & Regulations All members and guests are responsible to adhere to these basic field rules. Safety officers, club officers as well as any member are expected to point out violations to offenders, doing so in a constructive and friendly way. Repeat or flagrant offenders will be brought before the Board of Directors (club officers) for consideration of grounding, suspension, or expulsion from the club.
Flying Field Area:
Area 1 - Fixed wing takeoff and landing zone. Area 2 - Fixed wing pilot's area. Area 3 - Pit and parking lot. Area 4 - Helicopter & multirotor takeoff and landing zone. Area 5 - Control line flying zone. Area 6 - RC car track
All Aircraft: 1. All flyers must be a current GCF member or a guest who is accompanied by a current GCF member.
2. All flyers (including guests) must have current AMA membership and be registered with the FAA as either a Recreational Flyer or a Certificated Remote Pilot. Recreational Flyers must also have completed TRUST certification.
3. All flyers must list their FAA registration number such that it is visible on the outside of each aircraft. Name, address, telephone number and AMA number must also be listed on the inside or outside of each aircraft.
4. All flying is to be done in accordance with AMA and FAA rules.
5. Aircraft weighing more than 55 pounds (including fuel) must be certified through the AMA's Large Model Airplane Program and be flown under those safety rules.
6. Turbine powered model aircraft are not allowed at the GCF flying field.
7. All flyers must confirm before each flight that aircraft control surfaces are responding correctly and there is an adequate amount of battery power and/or fuel. Range tests must be performed after binding a receiver to a transmitter.
8. All flying shall be done to the south of the runway. There is a no flying allowed over the pit area or parking lot. There is no flying allowed within 200 feet on both sides of the Michigan Bar Road and 400 feet above the road.
9. All FPV pilots (fixed wing or multirotor) must have a spotter near them at all times during flight to ensure the model stays within line of sight and to warn of safety concerns such as full scale aircraft in the area, flying out of bounds, and any other concerns. FPV pilots present at the flying field must confer with one another to coordinate video frequency usage.
10. Absolutely no flying on any model beyond a reasonable distance; never exceed the line of sight.
11. Pit in the designated pit area only.
12. Never fly aircraft in a careless or reckless manner.
13. No alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs are permitted on the premises. No flying is permitted when so impaired.
14. Spectators are permitted in the parking lot, or into the pit area with the permission of a member.
15. Any pets must be confined by leash. Clean up after your pets!
16. Use the field with common sense and common courtesy!
Fixed Wing R/C Aircraft: 1. Takeoffs and landings will be on the runway or grassy area parallel to the runway. No landing in the multiple rotor or control line area. 2. Pilots and helpers will stand or be seated behind barriers in pilot area between pit area and runway. 3. Announce all intentions of events (such as taxiing out, low pass, taking off or landing) that will affect the takeoff/landing zone and pilot area with aircraft. 4. No taxiing in the pit area. 5. Be considerate to other members regarding your prop wash when starting or testing your engines.
6. Glider Hi-Start will be placed parallel to the runway between the pilot stations line up and runway's closest edge.
Helicopter/Multirotor Aircraft: 1. Takeoffs and landings will be conducted on the cement helicopter pad. 2. Pilot and helper will stand at the fence next to the pit area.
Control Line: 1. New control line models must be subjected to a reasonable pull test. 2. All control line pilots must use a control handle safety thong. 3. Control Line combat models must be equipped with an engine containment safety cable and fuel shut off system.
4. Control line flying area is centered on the cement pads across the runway and to the left (southeastern area of the flying field).
5. Control line aircraft and fixed wing R/C aircraft are not to be flown concurrently. Pilots are to use common sense and courtesy to ensure that each group has adequate access to the flying field.
RC Cars: 1. All RC Car operators must be a current GCF member or a guest who is accompanied by a current GCF member, and must meet all the requirements that apply to pilots (AMA membership, FAA registration and TRUST certification). 2. RC cars are to be driven only on the RC car track (not in the pit area, in the parking lot, or on the runway).
GCF Club By-Laws
Gold Country Flyers By-laws * Article I - Name A. Name and Location The name of this club shall be the "Gold Country Flyers of Amador County", and shall hereinafter be referred to and designed as such. GCF may be used for abbreviation purposes. The club’s location will be the current flying site within Amador County, California. The club’s mailing address will be the home address of the current President. B. Definitions The following words and phrases will have a special meaning with respect to these By-laws: 1. Grievance – An action brought by a club member or Committee against another club member that could result in some form of disciplinary action. 2. Board of Directors – A committee consisting of the club’s elected officers; President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. 3. Club Records – All documents generated or received by any Club Officer or Appointed Position during the conduct of any Club business. Documents may be paper copy, photographs or computer files. * Article II- Purpose The purpose of this club is to provide and maintain a site for the flying and enjoyment or radio controlled model aircraft within Amador County, California. Objectives 1. To obtain and maintain a suitable flying site for radio controlled models. 2. To provide model building and flying instruction to members free of charge. 3. To promote radio controlled model flying to the community at large. 4. To conduct events which enhance the radio control modeling experience for all our membership. 5. To promote a safe environment for the operation of radio controlled models. * Article III - Membership A. Qualifications 1. Members will be required to hold and maintain a current membership with the American Modeling Academy (AMA) at all times. All new applicants, as well as present members seeking membership renewal, must show proof of membership in the AMA. 2. Members will be required to hold and maintain a current Operator's License with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at all times. All new applicants, as well as present members seeking membership renewal, must show proof of their license with the FAA. 3. Members are required to pass The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) and to obtain the associated completion certificate. All new applicants, as well as present members seeking membership renewal, must provide their TRUST certificate number. 4. Prospective members must appear or be represented at a regular club meeting. At the first meeting they will introduce themselves to the general membership. At the meeting, a vote will be taken among the members as to the acceptability of the prospective member. A simply majority vote is required for membership. 5. The membership shall be divided into the following categories: a. Full Member: Is eighteen (18) years old or older and has full privileges and voting rights. Dues: Full Member rate plus AMA Membership, FAA Operator's License, and TRUST certification. b. Junior Member: Is younger than eighteen (18) years old, has full privileges and voting rights. Dues: Junior Member rate plus AMA Membership, FAA Operator's License, and TRUST certification. c. Family Membership: Includes all flying members of the immediate family (spouse and children). They have full privileges and voting rights. Dues: One (1) Full Membership, plus AMA Membership for each flying member. Spouse and any Junior members must have AMA membership, FAA Operator's License, and TRUST certification to fly at the field or vote at a Club meeting. Children are included until their 18th birthday. After their 18th birthday, they are no longer eligible to be part of a family membership and must pay dues as a full member. d. Honorary Member: An honorary member pays no dues and there is no AMA requirement (unless the Honorary Member is an active flyer, then AMA, FAA Operator's License, and TRUST certification will be required). 6. All members are required to read and follow the Field Rules and GCF By-Laws which are available on the GCF website. B. Dues and Assessments 1. All members are required to pay annual club dues and any assessments that may be voted in place. Failure to pay will result in membership revocation or denial. 2. Members who have not paid their annual Club dues and/or renewed their AMA membership and/or maintained their FAA Operator's License current are not allowed to fly at the GCF flying field beyond December 31 of the current year. 3. All accepted members are required to pay a onetime initiation fee. Only one initiation fee will be charged for a family membership application. Juniors graduating to full membership shall be required to pay the initiation fee. 4. Club dues for all members are due and payable not later than the last day of December. Dues are late if not paid by the first regular club meeting of each year (the January meeting). Payment of club dues will not be accepted without proof of AMA membership, proof of a FAA Operator's License and a TRUST certification. 5. Any member who has not paid their dues by the February general meeting shall have their club privileges terminated and will be dropped from the roster. Full, Associate and Family memberships rejoining after the February meeting will be required to pay the initiation fee again. 6. Club dues for either renewal or for a first time membership must be accompanied by proof of AMA membership (AMA Card or AMA Temporary validation), FAA Operators License and TRUST certification number. Such proof may be included with mailed in dues, or provided for personal examination by the Club Treasurer. 7. The Club Treasurer will record, as a minimum, the Name, address, telephone number, AMA Number, FAA Operators License and TRUST certification number and email address (if one exists) of each renewing or new club member. The Treasurer will not enter a person on the GCF membership rolls or issue a membership card until proof of AMA membership, FAA Operator's license, and TRUST certification have been verified. 8. An applicant joining after March 31st will have the full membership dues for that year prorated. 9. Changes to the annual dues structure requires a vote of the general membership at a club meeting. If a dues change is deemed a requirement, the proposal for such will be made at a general club meeting. Before a vote can be taken on the dues change proposal, the proposal with all descriptive information and an analysis of the basis for the new dues fees will be published in the club newsletter. Included in that publication will be all opposing views, as submitted by any member in good standing. A vote on the dues change proposal may then be taken at the general meeting after the publishing the proposal. An approval of at least 2/3rds of the members present is required for the new dues to be put in place. 10. Special assessments may be required at any time to fund needs of the club. Members are required to pay any assessment voted in to place. If an assessment is deemed necessary, the proposal for such will be made at a general club meeting. Before a vote can be taken on the assessment proposal, the proposal with all descriptive information and an analysis of the basis for the assessed amount will be published in the club newsletter. Included in that publication will be all opposing views, as submitted by any member in good standing. A vote on the assessment proposal may then be taken at the general meeting after the publishing the proposal. An approval of at least 2/3rds of the members present is required for the assessment to be put in place. C. Resignation Any member in good standing may resign their membership by giving written notice to the Club. D. Termination A member will be terminated from club membership, without prejudice, for failure to keep their AMA membership current, or failure to pay GCF dues or assessments, or failure to maintain their FAA Operator's License in a timely manner. E. Reinstatement Any member who has been expelled for cause may NOT be reinstated to GCF membership. * Article IV - Club Officers A. Nominations Nomination of Club officers shall be made at the general membership meeting beginning at the October regular meeting. Nominations for office may be made by any active Club member holding voting rights, either in person or by submitting a proxy nomination to the Board of Directors. All known nominations for office will be published in the newsletter prior to the election. B. Election Elections will be the last action of the November meeting. Elections shall be managed and conducted by the Board of Directors. Elections will be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots will be provided to the membership via the newsletter or at regular meetings prior to the election. The ballots will contain all known nominees, space for write in candidates, and a mailing address to where the ballot can be cast. A designated member of the Board of Directors (a person NOT running for office) will collect and hold all cast ballots. That person will use a Club roster as a check off tool to insure one member, one vote policy is maintained. That person will not look at, tabulate or in any way reveal the content of ballots in their possession prior to the end of the November regular meeting. Members can hand deliver or mail ballots to the designated Board of Directors member anytime prior the actual counting of the ballots. Members of the Board of Directors will tabulate the results of all cast ballots towards the end of the regular November meeting, and announce the results as the last item of business. At that point, the newly elected officers will assume the duties of their offices, effective at the adjournment of the November meeting. C. Recall by Election At any time, members in good standing can submit to the Board of Directors a petition to recall any elected or appointed officer. No specific reason for the recall action need be stated on the petition. The petition must be signed by at least twenty percent of the club membership. The petition will be read at the next regular Club meeting and published in the next issue of the Club newsletter. Upon receipt of the petition and verification of the signatures, the Board of Directors will announce, via the club newsletter, the intention to hold a recall election at the next regular club meeting following the reading of the recall petition. The question on the ballot will be limited to keeping or removing the officer in question. Should the officer in question be removed (utilizing the secret ballot procedures from the general election), the position will temporarily be filled by a Board of Directors appointment. In the case of removal of an Appointed Officer, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement individual to the position to be held until the next election cycle. D. Automatic Recall All elected officers must be voted into office on an annual basis. Appointed Officers shall be reaffirmed or replaced at the January meeting. * Article V – Financial Management 1. The Treasurer shall make a financial report to the membership at every regular club meeting. As a minimum, that report will contain the balances in all club accounts, monies taken in since the last report and their sources, and monies spent since the last report and their purpose. 2. The Board of Directors will assemble a proposed budget for the upcoming year for club approval at the February regular meeting. Significant deviations from this budget will presented to the club for approval upon them becoming known. 3. The President or a Presidential Appointee will audit all of the Club’s financial records at least once a year with a report of the findings made to the membership at a regular club meeting. 4. The President may spend up to $250 of the Club’s treasury for Club business without prior approval from the membership. Any such expenditure exceeding $50 must be reported to the membership at the following regular club meeting. Expenditure of funds previously designated in the approved annual budget will require no additional approvals. 5. It is permissible for the Club to accept donations of monies into the treasury. Donation of capital goods requires the approval of the Board of Directors. 6. All claims for reimbursement for monies spent on club business must be accompanied with a paid receipt. * Article VI - Meetings 1. Regular meetings shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors, and will be published in the Club newsletter. Typically, club meetings will be conducted once a month. 2. The Board of Directors may call special meetings with no less than five days prior written notice to the membership of a special meeting. The purpose of the special meeting shall be stated in the written notice. 3. At any Club meeting a simple majority shall be over 50% of the members voting at the meeting. A quorum must be present in order that a vote on any topic to have effect. A quorum is defined as not less than 25% of the total voting membership. 4. Conduct of a regular Club meeting shall be, in general, in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Topics covered during the meeting must include: Call to Order Approval or correction of the previously published meeting minutes, President’s report, Vice President’s report, Treasurer’s report, Reports from each of the Appointed Positions, Committee Reports, Announcements and reading of any pertinent correspondence, Introduction of guests and prospective members, Discussion of old or continuing business items, Discussion of new business items, Presentation of member’s modeling projects (show and tell), Guest Speakers, how-to demos, slide shows, etc, Raffle Adjournment * Article VII - Record Keeping All records gathered by any Club Officer or Appointed Position shall be retained by that person in some reasonably organized manner. Upon leaving office, all such records shall be passed on to the successor. If no successor has been elected or named, the records shall be passed to the President for safe keeping until a successor is named. Should it be deemed appropriate to purge documents for whatever reason, the Board of Directors shall be consulted for approval prior to any disposal action. * Article VIII - Committees Standing Committees are assigned specific duties and remain constituted until dissolved by a vote of the membership. Members of Standing Committees shall be renewed at the February meeting and confirmed by a vote of the membership. Special Committees can be appointed by the President to accomplish a specific task. Membership to a special committee may be one or more persons, some of whom may not be club members. The establishment, work progress and dissolution of a Special Committee shall be reported to the membership at regular club meetings. A. Standing Committees Raffle Committee: The committee is made up of one or more club member who is appointed to serve. The committee shall obtain merchandise to stock a raffle at each regular club meeting. The committee shall sell raffle tickets, draw for and award prizes at each regular meeting. Monies collected are to be use to restock the raffle merchandise. The committee shall maintain an accounting record and provide a report to the President at the end of the fiscal year.
* Article IX - Miscellaneous Provisions A. Fiscal Year For the purposes of managing the Club’s funds, the fiscal year will commence and end with the February meeting when the annual budget is approved. B. Mailings by Newsletter The Club newsletter will be published on a monthly basis by posting it to the Club’s official Web Site or by direct email to each club member. C. Use of club Mark and Logo The official Club logo shall be:
D. Standing Rules 1. Absolutely no person can fly at the GCF flying site, as a guest or otherwise, without proof of AMA membership and a FAA Operator's license on their person and having obtained TRUST certification. 2. Only the President may represent the GCF to outside entities in verbal or written communication. The President has the authority to appoint any club member to represent the club on a specific issue to outside entities. No club member is to consult with or to discuss GCF issues with an outside entity without first obtaining approval by vote of the membership at a regular club meeting; or, if urgent, the President’s approval. 3. All members are responsible for enforcing Club rules and AMA safety rules. 4. Any member of the Club may initiate a formal request for action by the Board of Directors by submitting a written proposal to the President. The proposal shall include a written description of the nature, type, and extent of the Board action recommended. The President of the Board shall forward copies of the proposal to other members of the Board of Directors for their consideration. Either the President, or any other Board member, may have the matter placed upon the working agenda of the next Club meeting. 5. Club members are allowed to sponsor occasional guests at the flying field and meetings. Guests shall be allowed flying privileges at the club field only if the host of the guest will assume responsibility to see that club rules are observed. This includes verification that the guest possesses AMA membership, FAA Operator's license and TRUST certification. Any guest utilizing the flying field for more than three occasions, shall asked to present themselves for membership in the club by their sponsor. E. Dissolution of club 1. Should the dissolution of the GCF be required, the following actions will take place as rapidly as possible: 2. All Club capital assets will be offered up to auction among all Club members, the money received going to the Treasurer. These assets would include the club trainer aircraft, tools and equipment, structures and materials installed at the flying field. 3. The President will send correspondence to the AMA advising them that the Club has been dissolved and the AMA Charter should be revoked. 4. The President will send correspondence to the flying field property owner advising them that the Club has been dissolved and the liability insurance is no longer in force. 5. The gate to the flying field will be secured with a lock whose combination is known only to the property owner. 6. The Treasurer will validate to the Board of Directors that all outstanding debits have been paid in full. 7. The Treasurer will then divide the remaining treasury equally among all dues paying members, juniors included, and issue checks along with official notification that the club has been dissolved. 8. The Treasurer will cancel out all GCF bank accounts. •Article X - Amendment of these Bylaws Amendments may be made to these bylaws. However, it is intentional that the process for change is difficult and lengthy. Any Club member can propose a change to the By-laws. A. Proposals Any proposed change to the By-laws must be presented in writing to preclude any misunderstanding as to exactly what words in the existing By-laws are to be deleted, moved or added. The proposal must show the existing By-laws paragraph and the proposed replacement paragraph. The proposal must highlight each and every change to be made. If discussion at a club meeting causes the proposal to change, it must be rewritten in its entirety such that it reflects exactly what changes will be made to the By-laws. Once the written proposal is deemed to exactly reflect the wishes of the submitter, a vote shall be taken of the members present to determine if the proposal will go forward. If approved to go forward, all members will be advised, via the newsletter, that a vote will be taken to revise the By-laws at the next regular meeting. That notice will include the exact text of the written proposal. B. Approval Voting on the proposed change will take place at a regular meeting. If the change is approved, the Vice President will change the appropriate sections of the By-laws. Only the exact wording of the approved change will be utilized in the revised By-laws. C. Balloting A minimum of 2/3rds of the members present must approve the proposed change in order to implement. Should the change not be approved, it may not be represented for a minimum of six regular meetings. |
rev 7/15/2024