Plymouth School 2001 R/C Flying Demonstration |
On February 23,2001, the Gold Country Flyers conducted a R/C flight demonstration at Plymouth Elementary School in Plymouth, California. The event was organized by Chuck Bell. Assisting club members included Chris Larson, Mike Martinelli, Tom Minger and Dean Carrier. The Club flew two shows in front of about 60 students each time. A good time was had by all. |
A line up of some the hardware on hand. Included is Mike Martinelli's Sig Fazer, and Chuck Bell's Cub and Acrostar. | |
Chris Larson preps his Goldberg Eagle II for a demo flight. Flying in such close quarters was not an easy thing. | |
Tom Minger getting his Excel Gasser ready for a demo flight. |
It's Showtime! Chris Larson does a full power carrier take off on the very short "runway". The pilots were a little anxious, but the kids loved every minute.
Tom Minger gets ready for the helicopter lift off. School grounds a little better suited for the heli. Rained for days before the demo and started again just as we were finishing up. |
rev 02/01/02