Membership Application

Application guidelines:

1. The Gold Country Flyers R/C Club is an AMA Chartered Club. Current AMA membership is required for all members of the Gold Country Flyers. Click here for AMA membership information.

2. Some requirements of the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) apply to flying model aircraft at the Gold Country Flyers flying field. Those requirements include obtaining a FAA Operator's License. Click here for FAA licensing information.

3. A relatively new requirement of the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is all operators of model airplanes (control line excluded) take a flying rules knowledge test, available on line, to legally fly model aircraft. The test is known as the "TRUST" test. Passing this test is a requirement to fly at the Gold Country Flyers flying field. The test is not difficult and requires only a short amount of time. Upon successful completion of the test you will be given a certificate of completion which includes a unique certificate number. That is the number to be entered on your membership application form, Click here to take the TRUST test.

4. Membership is open to all interested in R/C flying. Prospective  members must 1) belong to the AMA (or have applied to AMA for membership); 2) have a current FAA operator's license; 3) successfully complete the FAA "TRUST" test, 4) submit a completed membership application form, with appropriate fees; 5) attend at least one club business meeting; and 6) be voted into the club at that business meeting.

5. Annual membership dues are $50.00 for senior members (19 years or older). Payment is due not later than the February club meeting for renewing members.

6. Annual membership dues are $10.00 for junior members (18 years or younger).

7. Payment is due not later than the February club meeting for renewing members. Failure to renew by then will result in reassessment of initiation fee.

8. There is a one time initiation fee of $25.00 for new members. This fee is in addition to the annual dues. For households with more than one applicant, there is only one initiation fee required. This fee is NOT assessed for junior applicants.

9. Applications received during the year will be prorated at the rate of $5.00 per month for each remaining month in lieu of the $50.00 annual dues.

10. Bring your completed application form with appropriate fees, proof of AMA membership and proof of FAA registration to a Club meeting or mail them to:

Gold Country Flyers

C/O Alan Ross

P.O. Box 1972

Sutter Creek, CA 95685

To print out a Gold Country Flyers application form, click on the button below and use the print feature of your web browser.

rev 5/20/2024